Reviewing for Resource: EU Digital Education Framework

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Description: A digital education framework and companion evaluation toolkit to act as a quality standard in guiding the design, delivery and evaluation of effective digital education.

2024-02-02 13:22:28 from Cyprus


2020-10-27 07:47:27 from Cyprus

Well designed!!

2020-10-09 08:47:17 from Finland

Really informative and practical tool. Thank you!

2020-10-07 11:09:48 from Italy

This is a well-designed and useful tool for digital education!

2020-09-29 09:59:28 from Algeria


2020-09-29 08:18:36 from Ã…land Islands


2020-09-29 08:17:49 from American Samoa

test comm 1

2020-09-29 08:17:01 from American Samoa

testing comm 1

2020-09-15 10:37:09 from Austria

hello my comment is...

2020-09-15 10:35:45 from Germany

this is a comment